
In my recent project, I aimed to visualize data from a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device, a task that required integrating different technologies. The bleak library was my choice for managing BLE communications in Python, known for its robust support for these devices.

The challenge arose when I wanted to plot this data using matplotlib, a library that excels in data visualization but operates synchronously. Since bleak operates asynchronously, I faced the task of finding a way to bridge these two different operational modes.

matplotlib, while powerful, necessitates execution on the main thread—a requirement that complicates its use with asynchronous data streams like those from bleak. This scenario highlighted a common issue in software development: integrating synchronous and asynchronous systems in a seamless manner.


To address the challenge of integrating asynchronous data reception with synchronous plotting, I devised a solution that involves running the asyncio event loop in a separate thread, while executing the plotting operations on the main thread.

Here’s an overview of how I implemented this approach:

The key to this setup was utilizing zmq to simulate the data communication between the BLE device and the plotting application. For this, the aiozmq library provided the necessary asynchronous support for zmq communication.

You can find the complete implementation in my GitHub repository: async-plotting.

Let’s briefly discuss the code structure:

First, we establish a new event loop and run it in a background thread, allowing the main thread to handle plotting:

def run_event_loop(loop):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    t = threading.Thread(target=run_event_loop, args=(new_loop,))

Within the new event loop, zmq communication handles both publishing and subscribing tasks concurrently:

async def main():
    publisher_task = asyncio.create_task(publish_messages())
    subscriber_task = asyncio.create_task(subscribe_to_messages(update_data))

    await asyncio.gather(publisher_task, subscriber_task)

The subscriber receives messages and updates the plotting data through a callback (update_data), which queues the data for plotting:

plotting_queue = Queue()

def update_data(data: bytes):

Finally, the plotter function, running on the main thread, continuously reads from the queue and updates the plot:

def plotter():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x_data, y_data = [], []

    while True:
        if not plotting_queue.empty():
            message_int = plotting_queue.get()
            ax.plot(x_data, y_data)
        plt.pause(0.1)  # Small pause to prevent busy waiting.

This method uses plt.ion() for interactive plotting and periodic pauses to ensure the GUI remains responsive and the plot updates smoothly.


The technique outlined here is adaptable and can serve as a blueprint for similar asynchronous data visualization tasks. It highlights Python’s flexibility in addressing complex programming scenarios, offering a straightforward path for those looking to balance asynchronous data streams with real-time plotting.