go/links clone design
I have an old itch that always was in the back of my mind for years, where I wanted to understand how databases work under the hood.
Of course there are a lot of different types of databases, and each one contains a lot of different components. So it is a lot of ground to cover. Instead of just reading about them, I also want to implement bits and pieces.
So I decided that I should start working on some project that I can benefit from, and also implement some aspects of a database. I thought about starting with some simple implementation of a key-value store. The project that I think that will benefit of such a database is a clone of the go/links system.
Basically a go/links system, is a sort of bookmarking application for your browser,
where when you input into the address bar some address that starts with go/
a keyword, it will redirect the browser to some pre-stored site for that keyword.
For example it is possible to define that go/facebook
will take you to www.facebook.com
Or to any specific link that you desire.
The basic components that I would need for the architecture of the system, are:
- Webserver
- Database
The Database will store the key-value items, where the key would be the link keyword,
for example facebook
. And the value would be the underlying link, www.facebook.com
for example.
I will write the database from scratch in Python, as this is really what I want to practice.
I don’t look for great performance but mostly practicing concepts.
Basically it will hold an in memory dictionary, that will be flushed to disk and initialized from disk. I will use Protocol Buffers for the schema of the items that will be stored to disk. It allows serializing the data to a more compact representation, and also provide schema evolution if changes will occur in the future.
The Webserver will receive the requests of the go/
type, and redirect to the underlying value
that is stored in the database.
It will also allow creating and updating links.
I will use FastAPI framework for the server.
In order to direct go/
requests to the webserver, I will update the /etc/hosts
Next Steps
In my next posts I will take the implementation step by step, and describe how I implement each part of the system, so you could try and replicate and even do better.
Thanks for reading, and see you soon.
Next post in the series.